Shop Post - One Thousand Words

Those of you that visit my blog regularly will know that I usually do a post on a Melbourne shop every Monday morning. Well sorry for the delay this's going to be a Tuesday evening shop post because I was away gallivanting in the countryside over Easter and only managed to get back to my desk this morning and had to see to business before pleasure - i.e. work had to be done before I got to play around in blogland. So, without further ado I present to you the loveliness of One Thousand Words...

They say that a picture is worth a thousand words, but if you take a look at One Thousand Words, a small Melbourne based online print store managed and owned by Claire and Scott Larrit Evans, I'm sure you'll agree that these pictures are worth much more than a thousand words! This Melbourne based company specialises in framed fine art and custom prints. In their own words, here's what One Thousand Words focuses on...
We are continuously developing upon a contemporary portfolio of affordable artwork and interiors solutions.Working with interior designers, developers, commercial out-fitters, architects, restaurants, cafes and residential customers, we provide quality, affordable artwork solutions. We can work with you and advise on your artwork selections, alternatively purchases can be made direct from our website.
First up, here's One Thousand Words' company logo (which I'm sure Emma over at White and Wander will absolutely love)...

And here are just a few examples of the framed prints that are available via One Thousand Words' online catalogue...

And here's how the print comes delivered to you - it's wrapped in bubble wrap and then wrapped in One Thousand Words' signature fabric (which has their fantastic doggie logo printed on it)...
All images are from One Thousand Words. Make sure you visit their site and check out the fantastic catalogue of prints that they have available.


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