
I have a bit of an aversion to wallpaper. I think this comes from having the most hideous wallpaper on one of our living room walls when I was growing up. Looking at it day after day was enough to put me off wallpapering any of the walls in my own home, but looking at the wallpaper designs by talented UK textile designer Louise Body might just help me overcome my aversion. They're pretty gorgeous...

Pavilion Birds

Holy Cows

Autumn Woods

Marneys Lace

I am also enamoured of the wallpapers produced by Porters Paints, many of which have been created by the renown production designer Catherine Martin...


Alphabet City

Passion Flower







If I had to pick a favourite, for me it would be the Marigold design by Porters. Do you have a favourite? Check out the Wallprint and Porters Paints websites for more designs.
Images 1-5 from Louise Body Wallprint; Images 6-14 from Porters Paints.
P.S. Don't forget to leave a comment to win the lovely Paris: Made By Hand book. The giveaway closes at 9.00am Melbourne time.
Have a lovely weekend. I'm off to enjoy some glorious Autumn sunshine. Lee xx


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